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Letra Música Fakin It – Kaskade

It’s funny how
Everybody says you gotta figure it out
Pull the veil
Make the wild side a secret you’ll never tell
Got a curse that I can’t kick
Broken pieces I can’t fix
All I know now
Is I know nothing now

But maybe it’s okay to be lost in your backyard
Okay to wonder what’s in the dark
Okay to be lost in your backyard
Are we all just fakin’ it?

Maybe it’s okay to be lost in your backyard
Okay to wonder what’s in the dark
Lonely little terrified hearts
Are we all just fakin’ it?

Are we all just fakin’, fakin’ it?
Are we all just fakin’, fakin’ it?
Are we all just fakin’, fakin’ it?

Diamonds and gold
Cover me like skin over skeleton bones
I chase the high
Let the strangers soothe me like a lullaby
Oh, the desert mirage keeps
Moving further out of reach

All I know now
Is I know nothing now

But maybe it’s okay to be lost in your backyard
Okay to wonder what’s in the dark
Okay to be lost in your backyard
Are we all just fakin’ it?

Maybe it’s okay to be lost in your backyard
Okay to wonder what’s in the dark
Lonely little terrified hearts
Are we all just fakin’ it?

Are we all just fakin’, fakin’ it?
Are we all just fakin’, fakin’ it?
Are we all just fakin’, fakin’ it?Kaskade – Fakin It – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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