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For a Better Day

On a caution wind
With bleeding sky
I called your name
There was no one there
In the cold and snow
I saw your face

And we sang our song for the little thing
Magic call, but the joy you bring
Running it down the line
But wish you could find that love
Is a fragile thing
Magic call from a pretty thing
Maybe it might be time
For a better day
For a better day
For a better day

From the path of love
In the road of life
I tumbled forward
But going on
I’mma keep it strong
I saw your face

And we sang our song for the little thing
Magic call, but the joy you bring
Running it down the line
But wish you could find that love
Is a fragile thing
Magic call from a pretty thing
Maybe it might be time
For a better day
For a better day
For a better day
For a better day
For a better day
For a better day

And we sang our song for the little thing
Magic call, but the joy you bring
Running it down the line
But wish you could find that love
Is a fragile thing
Magic call from a pretty thing
Maybe it might be time
For a better dayEstilo: HOUSE ELECTRONICA Artista: AVICII Canal no Youtube: AVICII

For a Better Day – AVICII

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