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Letra Música The Fall – Edda

The TV static did antennae tuning in
And it’s the news again
Just send the pizzas here, a case of ice cold beer
And only two of us to share
With my eyes on the glass
A strange escape I see never reaching me

Yesterday has been and gone, today it won’t be long
Let’s forget about the past
If it’s easier you may close your eyes and look away
So you can face another day

With my eyes on the glass
A strange escape I see never reaching me

All the pictures of the fall
All the writing on the wall

A crowd is marching in the street, so many have nothing to eat
And death is waiting for disaster
Relief may slowly make it through, a world sits watching how you do
But no one does a thing about it

With my eyes on the glass
A strange escape I see never reaching me

All the pictures of the fall
All the writing on the wall
All the sinners and the saints
All the wasting and mistakes

Maybe another day will see a better world
Maybe the answer wouldn’t mend
Now for our faithless world it’s far too close
To the end

All the pictures of the fall
All the writing on the wall
All the sinners and the saints
All the wasting and mistakes

All the pictures of the fall (I see the pictures of the fall)
All the writing on the wall (I read the writing on the wall)
All the sinners and the saints (All the sinners and the saints)
All the wasting and mistakesEdda – The Fall – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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Preferência musical
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