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Letra Música I remember – Deadmau5

Feeling the past moving in
Letting a new day begin
Hold to the time that you know
You don’t have to move on to let go
Add to the memory you keep
Remember when you fall asleep
Hold to the love that you know
You don’t have to give up to let go

Remember turning on the night
And moving through the morning light
Remember how it was with you
Remember how you pulled me through

I remember, I remember
I remember, I remember
I remember, I remember
I remember, I remember

Feeling the past moving in
Letting a new day begin
Hold to the time that you know
You don’t have to move on to let go

Add to the memory you keep
Remember when you fall asleep
Hold to the love that you know
You don’t have to give up to let go

Remember how it was with you
Remember how you pulled me through

I remember

Feeling the past moving in
Letting a new day begin
Hold to the time that you know
You don’t have to move on to let go

Add to the memory you keep
Remember when you fall asleep
Hold to the love that you know
You don’t have to give up to let go

Remember turning on the night
And moving through the morning light
Remember how it was with you
Remember how you pulled me through

I rememberDeadmau5 – I remember – Ouvir Música

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