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Letra Música Change On Me – Cynthia

When we met, it all happened so fast
You said you loved me, and that it would last
But now it seems that it was all a lie
And all my love for you would soon pass you by
My love for you would never be the same
My heart still aches from the sorrow and the pain
Time has come for me to say goodbye
Although the precious times will never leave my mind
Why did you have to change on me?
Your love was so easy to see
Oh boy, I gave you all my time
But why couldn’t I make you mine?
Why did you have to change on me?
Your love was so easy to see
Oh boy, I gave you all my time
But why couldn’t I make you mine?

Changing your love was the best thing to do
Our love was so strong for both me and you
You go your way baby, I’ll go mine
Searching for the love we’ll both hope to find
If you decide to come back to me
I’ll be waiting so desperately
Until then, I hope to find
someone to love me baby, all of the time

Why did you have to change on me?
Your love was so easy to see
Oh boy, I gave you all my time
But why couldn’t I make you mine?
Why did you have to change on me?
Your love was so easy to see
Oh boy, I gave you all my time
But why couldn’t I make you mine?
Oh why?

My love for you will never be the same
My heart still aches from the sorrow and the pain
Time has come for me to say goodbye
Although the precious times will never leave my mindCynthia – Change On Me – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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