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Letra Música The Beat Goes On – Bob Sinclar

The beat goes on
Nothing’s wrong
With the sound
We can sing it forever
Hey, look at me
I’m the one
Got to make the connection
The beat goes on
The beat goes on
Nothing’s wrong
With the sound
We can sing it forever
Hey, look at me
I’m the one
Got to make the connection

Move with the times
It’s a natural progressive
Come once again
Feel the pulse
Share the love
One to one
We can now tell the love
Without fear the way it’s clean
Because we know that the beat goes on

The beat goes on
Nothing’s wrong
With the sound
We can sing it forever
Love lost and found
Like the beat
Goes on anything acting
Now is the time to relate
Take some positive action
Hey, look at me
I’m the one
Got to make the connection

And we can grew up
Where we start
And pick the rhythm in our hearts
We celebrate the changes
‘Cause every day (the beat goes on)
We can’t regenerate the song
And let the evolution takes us to the places
That we’ve never been before

The beat goes on
Nothing’s wrong
With the sound
We can sing it forever
Hey, look at me
I’m the one
Got to make the connection
The beat goes on

The beat goes on
Nothing’s wrong
With the sound
We can sing it forever
Hey, look at me
I’m the one
Got to make the connectionBob Sinclar – The Beat Goes On – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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