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Letra Música Love And Motion – Benny Benassi

The glow i see
it’s been following me
and it’s brighter than before
it seems brighter than before
and you… and me…
we see perfectly
it seems lighter than before
so much brighter than before
and i could be the only one that you’d ever need
and you could be the only girl that i wait for (wait for, wait for…)
‘cause you’ve got me and we’ve got nice
do you believe in love?
1, 2, 3, 4 we’ve got love and motion, and motion, and motion (and motion…)

The glow i see
it’s been following me
and it’s brighter than before
it seems brighter than before
and you… and me…
we hear perfectly
it seems louder than before
so much rouded than before

and i could be the only one that you’d ever need
and you could be the only girl that i wait for (wait for, wait for…)
‘cause you’ve got me and we’ve got nice
do you believe in love?
1, 2, 3, 4 we’ve got love and motion, and motion, and motion (and motion…)

did you walk across the line?
did you shake it off your mind?
did you ever think that i would be the one to bring you back?
did you cover up the sound of a million golden days?
when the sun comes up we’ll all be here together, it’s ok

and i could be the only (just think about everything oh-oh) one that you’d ever need
and you could be the only (just think about everything…) girl that i wait for (wait for, wait for…)

‘cause you’ve got me and we’ve got nice
do you believe in love?
1, 2, 3, 4 we’ve got love and motion, and motion, and motion (and motion…)
Lara-ra-ra-la-laaa-la Lara-ra-ra-la-lara-Ohhh…
Lara-ra-ra-la-laaa-la Lara-ra-ra-la-lara-Ohhh…Benny Benassi – Love And Motion – Ouvir Música

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