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Letra Música Picture Me And You – Vybz Kartel

Timeless, (Time)
See mi are say up to di time
Still yuh nah know baby
I just got to say close yuh eyes
And imagine that, you are with me
On a long island of paradise
And I just close my eyes to
And imagine that I’m somewhere with you
On the U.S Virgin Islands, (Right Away)
Baby, Baby…Aye
Picture me and you, you and me
K.I.S.S.I.N.G , then
Picture me and you, under the tree
F.U.C.K.I.N.G , Aye
All mun fi bow, dem wicky Di , Nor
S.U.C.K.I.N.G , Gal
You are mi Q.U.E.E.N , So Mi
I your K.I.N.G

Di first time buddy go inna her
Mi wake up to, good morning sir
Here is your breakfast what you prefer
Me say stop! Baby remain as you were
Me nah eat in a bed that no occur
Because mi nah gummy bear, nah christopher
But mi like it weh you shake it right deh
So turn it back-way let mi get fi enter di center

Picture me and you, you and me
K.I.S.S.I.N.G , then
Picture me and you, under the tree
F.U.C.K.I.N.G , Aye
All mun fi bow, dem wicky Di , Nor
S.U.C.K.I.N.G , Gal
You are mi Q.U.E.E.N , So Mi
I your K.I.N.G , Baby

Print it, let mi sink it
If you pretty like Ashanti
Mi murder inc. it, pussy print it
Mi nah nyam Shirley biscuit
Which butter kiss, never will, never kiss it
Under house arrest modeless and frisk it
This kick, hurt up your belly like Nesquick
Mi nah chocolate, badman tongue no fork-lift
You nor fi ask if God bless mi with a ras-lift
Ha Ha

Picture me and you, you and me
K.I.S.S.I.N.G , then
Picture me and you, under the tree
F.U.C.K.I.N.G , Aye
All mun fi bow, dem wicky Di , Nor
S.U.C.K.I.N.G , Gal
You are mi Q.U.E.E.N , So Mi
I your K.I.N.G ,

Di first time more big up inna her
Mi wake up to, good morning sir
Here is your breakfast what you prefer
Me say stop! Baby remain as you were
Me nah eat in a bed that no occur
Because mi nah come in deh, nah kiss with her
But I like it weh you shake it right deh
So turn back-way let mi get fi enter di center

Picture me and you, you and me
K.I.S.S.I.N.G , then
Picture me and you, under the tree
F.U.C.K.I.N.G , Aye
All mun fi bow, dem wicky Di , Nor
S.U.C.K.I.N.G , Gal
You are mi Q.U.E.E.N , So Mi
I your K.I.N.G , Baby

Print it, make me sink it
If you pretty like Ashanti
Mi murder inc. it, pussy print it
Mi nah nyam Shirley biscuit
Which butter kiss, never will, never kiss it
Under house arrest modeless and frisk it
This kick, hurt up your belly like Nesquick
Mi nah chocolate, badman tongue no fork-lift
You nor fi ask if God bless mi with a ras-lift
Ha HaVybz Kartel – Picture Me And You – Ouvir Música

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