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Letra Música SIRENS – Travis Scott

Every night, I look up in the sky
And the stars are all there
But when I look for you, you’re never there
Explorer, are you out there? There, there, there
We had to spread out the word (mm)
I was too damn determined, rap game, it needed refurbish
I was on top with no service, watch as they all playin’ verses
They in the bushes, they lurkin’, might gotta call the insurgents
She wanna fuck with a purpose, I gotta juggle my urges
Gotta couple departments, closet built like a department
Double up cup of the Bourbon how I give all of my sermons
Yeah, we still (still) do things down to detail
Diva and the Devil, both them bad as He-ell
They get quiet when he yell (he yell)
Can’t silent my people
You locked in the prequel, meet me at the festie-viel (‘viel)
Festie-vial (‘vial)
Foo, foo

Now I got your attention (look out), it’s wide and beatin’ (look out)
Vile this evenin’ (look out), you never leavin’ (look-look-look-look-look-look—)
Clock out, we sneak in (look-look-look-look-look—)
All the demons need a reason (o-o-o-out)
Up from 2 A.M. to two in the afternoon (look out)
It’s a festival right in my room (look out)
Soon as the sun up, you know that we doom (look out)
Mariposa, we out to Cancún (look out)
We gon’ hustle more just before we out the room (look out)
Back outside, it ain’t no time for Zoom’s (look out)
One point two, that’s a whole lot of more vroom (look out)
Three point two, that’s a whole lot of whole lotta (look out)
It’s live, remember days that I couldn’t get by
There outside, they come with it inside
Now your venue, we gotta resize
I can’t give all this credit to Colgate
By the way I be rentin’ the smile (look out, look out)
I know sometimes I be in denial (look out, look out)
I know sometimes I be in the wild (look out, look out)
How I rockin’ the, rockin’ the—

I thought we were going to utopia?
What makes you say this isn’t utopia?
I mean, I don’t know, isn’t it supposed to be some perfect destination? This is just your hotel room
Yeah, it looks perfect to meTravis Scott – SIRENS – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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