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Letra Música MAFIA – Travis Scott

Custom the things, custom the wings
I had to custom the vibe, custom the lean
Cover the back of the lobby, front cover magazine
Cover your eyes, cuddle up back of the V
Our chemistry, just like the trappers and fiends
Our misery, really ain’t nothin’ to see
I gotta travel the V, I like to travel to heat
Bring out a bag of the weed
Did I tell you I got my own weed? I had a lot to achieve
Blew it out, then I relief, take it down, now you relieve
Rather you leave, then you go back out on me
Don’t throw no daggers at me, you gotta shoot them at least
You know my Dodge supreme, I put in hours this week
Movin’ at rapid speed, like it’s a track, we meet
We got a timeless thing, we gotta find some Zs
Fuck shit up at the club, shit tucked
We be floatin’ front to back, back to back, Bentley truck
Drop down, run ‘round, city stuck, stuck, stuck
City up, up, back to back, fold her, fold her, fold her, trust

Like it thick with a bounce, we all in the count
Wine bottles cost ‘bout a couch, you on the way with the wave
Stacks in my pouch, you know it jump at the house
You come with two and it’s late, know the brown one is my fave
Then Mike Brown gon’ walk you out
Step by step, watch yourself
Cleaners got anything you might’ve left
I couldn’t do none of this by myself
With mafia, they in the tuck
I gave you fifty to boost up your butt
I gave you the juice, she rather get buzzed
I tried to choose you, you rather go club
Know what to do, you rattled me up
Common denominator, we was still tryin’ to dominatrix
Got a couple of vibrations
For the simulation, gotta re-up the hydration

(Fuck shit up at the club, shit tucked) me and my niggas show up, you know it’s goin’ down
(We be floatin’ front to back, back to back, Bentley truck) you know I’ma bring a parade if I fall through this town today
Ain’t even gotta check, you know we hardest niggas around
We still pourin’ up for the niggas that can’t be around today

Hmm, hmm, oh
Hmm, hmm, hmm-mm

Fuck shit up at the club
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Drop down, run ‘round

Me and my niggas show up, you know it’s goin’ down
You know I’ma bring a parade if I fall through this town today
Ain’t even gotta check, you know we hardest niggas around
We still pourin’ up for the niggas that can’t be around todayTravis Scott – MAFIA – Ouvir Música

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