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Letra Música The Plug (feat. Chi Ching Ching) – Sean Paul

A wah gwaan? A who plug out the light dawg?
Ching everything plug in nothing nuh plug out
A wha happen to them?
Yow, yow
Nuh worry unu self man
The plug deh yah man
‘Cause I’m the plug, world plug
I’m the plug, plug fi the universe
I’m the plug, you zeet
Yow when me say the plug me naah talk bout no lugz
Yow ching

‘Cause I’m the plug
The plug whe make the thing work
The plug when make you girl twerk
The plug when make you leave work (real talk)

‘Cause I’m the plug
You run until your feet hurt and drop
And all a eat dirt and dutty up your t-shirt (eeeze off)

‘Cause I’m the plug, iam the radio plug
The plug inna the club
And if the road fi bun off, I am the spark plug
So how the whole place inna darkness?
Light gone dog?

I am the generator plug
Guess them get shock by the plug
Get buss like car lug
Couldn’t you them call thug

The plug 220 volt we a shub
Tell them fi watch the wire
And is like them never see the plug (you zeet)
To who me hear say plug out
Try plug in back and it no work
Watch the plug, watch the plug
Water make nuff plug burn out
House a burn down, you fi run out (huh?)

Yard or abroad the connection plug
What you call that? Extension plug
We have more plug than pepper light bulb
Anytime you see me inna the streets
Just know I’m the plug

Got energy blazing
Got energy blazing
Got energy blazing
Got energy blazing, I’m the plug
Got energy blazing, I’m the plug
Got energy blazing
Got energy blazing, I’m the plug
Got energy blazing, I’m the pluuug

Man a real plug
Real real connection to di gyal dem middle section
You done know say a bad man ting we a no bug
Nuff a move slow to di gyal dem

And a no pro to the gyal dem
A wah we call dem, dem a slug
Man a real plug, electricity flow thro’ di gyal dem
And explode dem, when dem get walk

Man a real gold nug
24 karat and 220 volt we a shub
Shock dem get shock a no shook dem get shook
When chi ching ching ching come sing dem di hook

Badder than a uppercut hook
Heavy explosion and everybody a look
Stove plug in and food cook

For every stage show chi ching dem done book (out dem)
Nuff a them get it mistook
Dem na use dem plug gi’ di gyal the real jook

Yard or abroad the connection plug
What you call that? Extension plug
We have more plug than pepper light bulb
Anytime you see me inna the streets
Just know I’m the plug

Got energy blazing
I’m the plug, I’m the plug
Got energy blazing
I’m the plug, I’m the pluuug

I’m plug, yow ching
Got energy blazing, I’m the plug
Real talk!
Got energy blazing, I’m the plug
I’m the plugSean Paul – The Plug (feat. Chi Ching Ching) – Ouvir Música

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