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Letra Música Take What You Want (feat. Ozzy Osbourne & Travis Scott) – Post Malone

I feel you crumble in my arms down to your heart of stone
You bled me dry just like the tears you never show
Why don’t you take what you want from me?
Take what you need from me
Take what you want and go
Why don’t you take what you want from me?
Take what you need from me
Take what you want and go
I never needed anything from you
And all I ever asked was for the truth
You showed your tongue and it was forked in two
Your venom was lethal, I almost believed you
Yeah, you preyed on my every mistake
Waited on me to break, held me under hopin’ I would drown
Like a plague, I was wasting away
Tryna find my way out, find my way out

And it finally came the day
I start giving my heart away
For heaven’s sake, my bones will break
But you’ll never own my soul, no

I feel you crumble in my arms down to your heart of stone
You bled me dry just like the tears you never show
Why don’t you take what you want from me?
Take what you need from me
Take what you want and go
Why don’t you take what you want from me?
Take what you need from me
Take what you want and go

I took them stones you threw, made chains for the crew (ice)
I brought up ten hoes, this coupé only made for two
They all ran through it, it ain’t nothing left to do
I need some more reasons to live out this evening (straight up)
I’ve been sippin’ forever and just taking whatever
Hoping, thinking whenever you’ll be back around
Let’s go our ways, whichever
You say how is however long
‘Cause you know I never be alone

Love (love)
Shorty gon’ back (shorty gon’ back)
Need it on sight (need it on sight)
Crack it all back (crack it all back)
Give her that pipe (give her that pipe)
All of my cash (all of my cash)
Shawty went bad (shawty went bad)

I feel you crumble in my arms down to your heart of stone
You bled me dry just like the tears you never show
Why don’t you take what you want from me?
Take what you need from me
Take what you want and go
Why don’t you take what you want from me?
Take what you need from me
Take what you want and go

Take it all away
Why don’t you (take what you want, take what you need)
Take what you need from me? Yeah
(Take what you want) why don’t you (take what you need)
(What you need, yeah)Post Malone – Take What You Want (feat. Ozzy Osbourne & Travis Scott) – Ouvir Música

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