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Letra Música Mourning – Post Malone

Don’t want to sober up
The Sun is killin’ my buzz
That’s why they call it mourning
Thought I was strong enough
Threw my bottle at the sky
Said: God, that’s a warning
Don’t wanna sober up
Try to keep it inside
But I just wanna pour it
Thought I was strong enough
Got a lot of shit to say
Couldn’t fit it in the chorus

I just left Wally’s, spent a Maserati
The way I gotta flex, you think I did Pilates
I call my quote on quote friends
Do you got plans?
Turns out everyone’s free when the dinner is
And they drag me to a party out in Malibu
After thirty High Noons, it was pretty cool
Tried to shoot my shot, she told me that she had a shoot
Bye, bye (damn)

Don’t want to sober up
The Sun is killin’ my buzz
That’s why they call it mourning
Thought I was strong enough
Threw my bottle at the sky
Said: God, that’s a warning

Don’t wanna sober up
Try to keep it inside
But I just wanna pour it
Thought I was strong enough
Got a lot of shit to say
Couldn’t fit it in the chorus

Stumblin’ down the corridor, came across an open door
Throwin’ up is easy
And who put on the Commodores?
That’s a nice towel flower, wish I got to know you more
Who am I talkin’ to? Nobody
Take me outside, I’m a little too high
Paid a little too much for the time of my life
When the money ain’t a problem, everyone’s excited
Even when I tell myself that I

Don’t want to sober up
The Sun is killin’ my buzz
That’s why they call it mourning
Thought I was strong enough
Threw my bottle at the sky
Said: God, that’s a warning

Don’t wanna sober up
Try to keep it inside
But I just wanna pour it
Thought I was strong enough
Got a lot of shit to say
Couldn’t fit it in the chorusPost Malone – Mourning – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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