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Letra Música I Fall Apart – Post Malone

Oooh, I fall apart
Oooh, yeah, mmhmm
She told me that I’m not enough (yeah)
And she left me with a broken heart (yeah)
She fooled me twice and it’s all my fault (yeah)
She cut too deep, now she left me scarred (yeah)
Now there’s too many thoughts goin’ through my brain (yeah)
And now I’m takin’ these shots like it’s Novocaine, yeah

Oooh, I fall apart
Down to my core
Oooh, I fall apart
Down to my core
Oooh, didn’t know it before
Surprised when you caught me off guard
All this damn jewelry I bought
You was my shorty, I thought

Never caught a feelin’ this hard
Harder than the liquor I pour
Tell me you don’t want me no more
But I can’t let go
Everybody told me so
Feelin’ like I sold my soul
Devil in the form of a whore
Devil in the form of a whore
You said it
No, you said it
No, you said it
We’d be together

Oooh, I fall apart
Down to my core
Oooh, I fall apart
Down to my core
Oooh, didn’t know it before
Surprised when you caught me off guard
All this damn jewelry I bought
You was my shorty, I thought

Ice keep pourin’ and the drink keep flowin’
Try to brush it off but it keep on goin’
Covered in scars and I can’t help showin’
Whippin’ in the foreign and the tears keep blowin’
Ice keep droppin’ and the drink keep flowin’
Try to brush it off but it keep on goin’
All these scars, can’t help from showin’
Whippin’ in the foreign and the tears keep blowin’, yeah

Oooh, I fall apart
Down to my core
Oooh, I fall apart
Down to my core
Oooh, didn’t know it before
Surprised when you caught me off guard
All this damn jewelry I bought
You was my shorty, I thoughtPost Malone – I Fall Apart – Ouvir Música

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