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Letra Música Congratulations (feat. Bilal) – Mac Miller

(Where are you?)
Oh-oh, oh-oh
The Divine Feminine, an album by Mac Miller
Oh-oh, oh-oh
(The Divine Feminine)
(The Divine Feminine)

Am I supose to? Okay
Love, love, love, love, love (sex)
Love, love, love, love, love (sex)

The Sun don’t shine when I’m alone
I lose my mind and I lose control
I see your eyes look through my soul
Don’t be surprised, this is all I know

I felt the highs and they felt like you
See, a love like mine is too good to be true
And you too divine to just be mine
You remind me of the color blue

Girl, I’m so in love with you, yeah
Girl, I’m so in love with you

(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Well, baby, you were everything I ever wanted
Bought a wedding ring, it’s in my pocket
Planned to ask the other day
Knew you’d run away
So I guess I just forgot it

Remember when you went away to college
I was on the phone, we ain’t no talkin’
Past, present, future, all the gossip
God damn

Puppy love ain’t what it was darlin’
Feelings that we have are so alarmin’
I can make you laugh
I can break the glass
If we made it last, it’d be a bargin

Mr. Charmin’, that is my department
You was there before the fancy cars and
You was there when I was just a starvin’ artist
When the car was havin’ trouble startin’

Now we got our own apartment
Same box for the mail
Same hemp for the laundry
The food in the fridge is stale
And this mornin’ you cooked the eggs with the kale

I tried to hit it while you was gettin’ dressed
You said: All you ever think about is sex
I’m like, oh well
You know me so well
And if this will make you late, I swear I won’t tell

And every time I call your phone
You better pick up your cell
I swear to God I’ma freak out
If it go straight to voice mail

Well I’m not the jealous type
But I swear that ass was Heaven’s like
When I’m in that pussy it’s a better life
That’s the only way I’m tryna end the night
That’s my only chance, I better get it right

Take your time, my baby
Cause I’m waitin’ for you, for you
And I know I make your mind go crazy
Cause I’m waitin’ right here for you, for you

You get closer with me, run away
All I ever know is the color gray
Your loving ways brings me sunshine
I found an angel so divine
Heaven probably not the same without you
But now you’re in my world
In my world

Ah-ah-ahMac Miller – Congratulations (feat. Bilal) – Ouvir Música

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