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Letra Música Star Shopping – Lil Peep

Wait right here
I’ll be back in the morning
I know that I’m not that important to you
But to me, girl, you’re so much more than gorgeous
So much more than perfect
Right now, I know that I’m not really worth it
If you give me time, I can work on it
Give me some time while I work on it
Losing your patience, and, girl, I don’t blame you
The Earth’s in rotation, you’re waiting for me
Look at my face when I fuck on your waist
‘Cause we only have one conversation a week
That’s why your friends always hating on me
Fuck ‘em though, I did this all by myself
Matter of fact, I ain’t never ask no one for help
And that’s why I don’t pick up my phone when it ring

None of my exes is over Lil Peep
Nobody flexing as much as I be
That’s why she text me and tell me she loves me
She knows that someday I’ll be over the sea
Making my money and smoking my weed
I think it’s funny, she open up to me
Get comfortable with me, once I got it coming
I love her, she loves me

I know that I’m nothing
Like someone her family want me to be
If I find a way, would you walk with me?
Look at my face while you talking to me
‘Cause we only have one conversation a week
Can I get one conversation at least?
Shout out to everyone making my beats
You helping me preach
This music is the only thing keeping the peace
When I’m falling to pieces

Look at the sky tonight
All of the stars have a reason
A reason to shine, a reason like mine
And I’m falling to pieces
Look at the sky tonight
All of the stars have a reasonLil Peep – Star Shopping – Ouvir Música

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