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Letra Música United In Grief – Kendrick Lamar

I hope you find some peace of mind in this lifetime
(Tell them, tell ‘em, tell them the truth)
I hope you find some paradise
(Tell them, tell them the truth)
(Tell ‘em, tell ‘em, tell ‘em, tell ‘em your-)
I’ve been going through something
One-thousand eight-hundred and fifty-five days
I’ve been going through something
Be afraid

What is a bitch in a miniskirt?
A man in his feelings with bitter nerve
What is a woman that really hurt?
A demon, you’re better off killing her
What is a relative making repetitive narratives
On how you did it first?
That is a predator, hit reverse
All of your presidents’ evil thirst
What is a neighborhood rep’table?
That is a snitch on a pedestal
What is a house with a better view?
A family broken in variables
What is a rapper with jewelry?
A way that I show my maturity
What if I call on security?
That mean I’m calling on God for purity

I went and got me a therapist
I can debate on my theories and sharing it (woah)
Consolidate all my comparisons
Humble enough because time is imperative (woah)
Started to feel like there’s only one answer
To everything, I don’t know where it is (woah)
Popping a bottle of Claritin (woah)
Is it my head or my arrogance? (Woah)
Shaking and moving, like, what am I doing?
I’m flipping my time through the Rolodex
Indulging myself and my life and my music
The world that I’m in is a cul-de-sac
The world that we in is just menacing
The demons portrayed as religionous
I wake in the morning, another appointment
I hope the psychologist’s listening

The new Mercedes with black G-Wagon
The, where you from, it was all for rap
I was 28 years young, twenty mill’ in tax
Bought a couple of mansions, just for practice
Five hundred in jewelry, chain was magic
Never had it in public, late reaction
50K to cousins, post a caption
Pray none of my enemies hold me captive

I grieve different
I grieve different (huh)

I met her on the third night of Chicago
North America tour, my enclave
Fee-fi-fo-fum, she was a model
Dedicated to the songs I wrote in her Bible
Eyes like green penetrating the moonlight
Hair done in a bun, energy in the room like
Big Bang for theory, God, hoping you hear me
Phone off the ringer, tell the world I’m busy
Fair enough, green eyes said her mother didn’t care enough
Sympathize when her daddy in a chain gang
Her first brother got killed, he was 21
I was nine when they put Lamont in the grave
Heart broken when Estelle didn’t say goodbye
Chad left his body after we FaceTimed
Green eyes said you’d be okay, first tour, sex the pain away

I grieve different
I grieve different (huh)

The new Mercedes with black G-Wagon
The, where you from, it was all for rap
I was 28 years young, twenty mill’ in tax
Bought a couple of mansions, just for practice
Five hundred in jewelry, chain was magic
Never had it in public, late reaction
50K to cousins, post a caption
Pray none of my enemies hold me captive

So what, paralyzed, the county building controlled us
I bought a Rolex watch, I only wore it once
I bought infinity pools I never swimmed in
I watched Keem buy four cars in four months
You know the family dynamics on repeat
The insecurities locked down on PC
I bought a .223, nobody peace treat
You won’t doo-doo me, I smell TNT
Dave got him a Porsche, so I got me a Porsche
Paid lottery for it, I ain’t want it in portions
Poverty was the case, but the money wiping the tears away

I grieve different
(Everybody grieves different)
(Everybody grieves different)
I grieve different (huh)Kendrick Lamar – United In Grief – Ouvir Música

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