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Letra Música PRIDE. – Kendrick Lamar

Love’s gonna get you killed
But pride’s gonna be the death of you, and you and me
And you, and you, and you and me
And you, and you, and you and me
And you, and you, and you and me, and
Me, I wasn’t taught to share, but care
In another life, I surely was there, I
Me, I wasn’t taught to share, but care
I care, I care

Hell-raising, wheel-chasing, new worldly possessions
Flesh-making, spirit-breaking, which one would you lessen?
The better part, the human heart, you love ‘em or dissect ‘em
Happiness or flashiness?
How do you serve the question?

See, in a perfect world, I would be perfect, world
I don’t trust people enough beyond their surface, world
I don’t love people enough to put my faith in man
I put my faith in these lyrics, hoping I make a band
I understand I ain’t perfect, I probably won’t come around
This time I might put you down
Last time I ain’t give a fuck, I still feel the same now
My feelings might go numb, you’re dealing with cold thumb
I’m willing to give up a leg and arm to show empathy from
Pity parties and functions of you and yours
A perfect world, you probably live another 24
I can’t fake humble just ‘cause your ass is insecure
I can’t fake humble just ‘cause your ass is insecure

Me, I wasn’t taught to share, but care
In another life, I surely was there, I
Me, I wasn’t taught to share, but care
I care, I care

Maybe I wasn’t there (we saw you first)
Maybe I wasn’t there (I saw you first)
Maybe I wasn’t there (I saw you first)
Maybe I wasn’t there

Now, in a perfect world, I probably won’t be insensitive
Cold as December, but never remember what winter did
I wouldn’t blame you for mistakes I made or the bed I laid
Seems like I point the finger just to make a point nowadays
Smiles and cold stares, the temperature goes there
Indigenous disposition, feel like we belong here
I know the walls, they can listen, I wish they could talk back
The hurt becomes repetition, the love almost lost that

Sick venom in men and women overcome with pride
A perfect world is never perfect, only filled with lies
Promises are broken and more resentment come alive
Race barriers make inferior of you and I

See, in a perfect world, I’ll choose faith over riches
I’ll choose work over bitches, I’ll make schools out of prison
I’ll take all the religions and put ‘em all in one service
Just to tell ‘em we ain’t shit, but He’s been perfect, world

Me, I wasn’t taught to share, but care
In another life, I surely was there, I
Me, I wasn’t taught to share, but care
I care, I care

Maybe I wasn’t there (we saw you first)
Maybe I wasn’t there (I saw you first)
Maybe I wasn’t there (I saw you first)
Maybe I wasn’t thereKendrick Lamar – PRIDE. – Ouvir Música

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