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Letra Música N95 – Kendrick Lamar

Hello, new world, all the boys and girls
I got some true stories to tell
You’re back outside, but they still lied
Woah (yeah)
Take off the foo-foo, take off the clout chase, take off the wi-fi
Take off the money phone, take off the car loan, take off the flex and the white lies
Take off the weird ass jewelry, I’ma take ten steps, then I’m taking off top five
Take off them fabricate streams and them microwave memes, it’s a real world outside (take that shit off)
Take off your idols, take off the runway, I take off to Cairo (take that shit off)
Take off to Saint-Tropez, five day stay, take a quarter mill’, hell, if I know
Take off the front flag, take off perception, take off the cop with the eye patch (take that shit off)
Take off the unloyal, take off the unsure, take off decisions I lack (take it off)
Take off the fake deep, take off the fake woke, take off the I’m broke, I care (take it off)
Take off the gossip, take off the new logic and that if I’m rich, I’m rare (take it off)
Take off the Chanel, take off the Dolce, take off the Birkin bag (take it off)
Take all that designer bullshit off and what do you have? (Bitch)

Huh, huh, uh, you ugly as fuck (you out of pocket)
Huh, two ATMS you stepping or what? (You out of pocket, huh)
Who you think they talking bout?
Talking ‘bout us (you out of pocket)
Who you think they copy off?
Copy off us (get back in pocket)

The world in a panic, the women is stranded, the men on a run
The prophets abandoned, the Lord take advantage, the market is crashing, the industry wants
Niggas and bitches to sleep in a box while they making a mockery following us
This ain’t Monopoly, watching for love
This ain’t monogamy, y’all getting fucked
Jumping in a what the hell is that? I gotta relax when I feel (huh, facts)
All of my decendents, they come in my sleep and say I am too real (huh, facts)
I’m done with the sensitive, taking it personal
Done with the black and the white, the wrong and the right
You hoping for change and clericals
I know the feelings that came with burial cries (bitch)

Huh, huh, uh, you ugly as fuck (you out of pocket)
Huh, two ATMS you stepping or what? (You out of pocket, huh)
Who you think they talking bout?
Talking ‘bout us (you out of pocket)
Who you think they copy off?
Copy off us (get back in pocket)

Serving up a look, dancing in the drought
Hello to the big stepper, never losing count
Venting in the safe house
Venting in the safe house

Can I vent all my truth? I got nothing to lose
I’ve got problems and pools, I can swim in my faith
Camera’s moving whenever I’m moving, the family suing whatever I make
Murder is stacking, the president acting, the government taxing my funds in a bank
Homies attracting the feds when I’m bracking, look at my reaction, my pupils on skates (hold up, hold up)
Let’s think about this for a second (let’s go)
Tell me, what you would do for aesthetic? (Let’s go)
Would you sell your soul on credit? (Let’s go)
Would you sell your bro for leverage? (Let’s go)
Where the hypocrites at?
What community feel they the only ones relevant? (Let’s go)
Where the hypocrites at?
What community feel they the only ones relevant? (Let’s go)

You outta pocket, yeah, you outta pocket (this shit hard)
You entertain the mediocre, need to stop it (this shit hard)
You entertaining old friends when they toxic (this shit hard)
What’s your life like? Bullshit and gossip (this shit hard)

What the fuck is cancel culture, dog?
Say what I want about you niggas, I’m like Oprah, dog
I treat you crackers like I’m Jigga, watch, I own it all
Oh, you worried ‘bout a critic?
That ain’t protocol (bitch)Kendrick Lamar – N95 – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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