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Letra Música Bitch, Don’t Kill My Vibe – Kendrick Lamar

I am a sinner
Who’s probably gonna sin again
Lord forgive me, lord forgive me
Things I don’t understand
Sometimes I need to be alone
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
I can feel your energy from two planets away
I got my drink, I got my music
I would share it but today I’m yelling
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe

Look inside of my soul and you can find gold and maybe get rich
Look inside of your soul and you can find out it never exist
I can feel the changes, I can feel a new life
I always knew life can be dangerous
I can say that I like a challenge and you to me is painless
You don’t know what pain is
How can I paint this picture when the color blind
Is hanging with you
Fell on my face and I woke with a scar
Another mistake living deep in my heart
Wear it on top of my sleeve in a flick
I can admit that it did look like yours
Why you resent every making of this
Tell me your purpose is petty again
But even a small lighter can burn a bridge
Even a small lighter can burn a bridge

I can feel the changes
I can feel the new people around me just want to be famous
You can see that my city found me then put me on stages
To me that’s amazing
To you that’s a quick check with all disrespect let me say this

I am a sinner
Who’s probably gonna sin again
Lord forgive me, lord forgive me
Things I don’t understand
Sometimes I need to be alone
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
I can feel your energy from two planets away
I got my drink, I got my music
I would share it but today I’m yelling

Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe

I’m trying to keep it alive and not compromise the feeling we love
You’re trying to keep it deprived and only co-sign what radio does
And I’m looking right past you
We live in a world, we live in a world on two different axis
You live in a world, you living behind the mirror
I know what you scared of, the feeling of feeling emotions inferior
This shit is vital, I know you had to
This shit is vital, I know you had to

Die in a pitiful vain, tell me a watch and a chain
Is way more believable, give me a feasible gain
Rather a seasonal name, I’ll let the people
Know this is something you can blame
On yourselves you can remain stuck in a box
I’m a break out and then hide every lock
I’m a break out and then hide every lock

I can feel the changes
I can feel the new people around me just want to be famous
You can see that my city found me then put me on stages
To me that’s amazing
To you that’s a quick check with all disrespect let me say this

I am a sinner who’s
Probably gonna sin again
Lord forgive me, lord forgive me
Things I don’t understand
Sometimes I need to be alone
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
I can feel your energy from two planets away
I got my drink, I got my music
I would share it but today I’m yelling

Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe

Bitch don’t kill my vibe
You ain’t heard a chorus like this in a long time
Don’t you see that long line
And they waiting on Kendrick like the first and the fifteenth
Threes in the air I can see you are, in sync
Hide your feelings, hide your feelings now what you better do
I’ll take your girlfriend and put that pussy on a pedestal
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Walk out the door and they scream it’s alive
My new year’s resolution is to stop all the pollution
Talk too motherfucking much, I got my drink I got my music

Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
(My vibe, my vibe)Kendrick Lamar – Bitch, Don’t Kill My Vibe – Ouvir Música

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