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Letra Música I Wonder – Kanye West

Find your dreams come true
And I wonder
If you know
What it means
What it means
And I wonder
If you know
What it means
What it means
And I wonder
If you know
What it means
To find your dreams

And I wonder

I’ve been waitin’ on this my whole life (life, life)
(And I wonder)
These dreams be wakin’ me up at night (night, night)
(And I wonder)
You say I think I’m never wrong (wrong, wrong)
(And I wonder)
You know what? (What?)
Maybe you’re right (right, right)
Aight? (Aight? Aight?)

And I wonder
If you know
What it means
What it means
And I wonder
If you know
What it means
To find your dreams

And I wonder

You say he get on your fuckin’ nerves (nerves, nerves)
(And I wonder)
You hope that he get what he deserves (‘serves, ‘serves), word
(And I wonder)
Do you even remember what the issue is?
You just tryin’ to find where the tissue is
You can still be who you wish you is
It ain’t happen yet and that’s what intuition is (and I wonder)
When you hop back in the car, drive back to the crib, run back to they arms
The smokescreens, the chokes and the screams
You ever wonder what it all really mean?

And I wonder
If you know
What it means
What it means
And I wonder
If you know
What it means
To find your dreams

And I wonder

And I’m back on my grind
A psychic read my lifeline, told me in my lifetime
My name would help light up the Chicago skyline
And that’s why I’m (and I wonder)
Seven o’clock, that’s prime time
Heaven’ll watch, God callin’ from the hotlines
Why He keep givin’ me hot lines?
I’m a star, how could I not shine? (And I wonder)
How many ladies in the house? (If you know)
How many ladies in the house without a spouse? (What it means)
Somethin’ in your blouse got me feelin’ so aroused (what it means)
What you about? (And I wonder)
On that independent shit (if you know)
Trade it all for a husband and some kids (what it means)
You ever wonder what it all really mean?
You wonder if you’ll ever find your dreams? (To find your dreams come true)Kanye West – I Wonder – Ouvir Música

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