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Letra Música Flashing Lights (feat. Dwele) – Kanye West

(Flashing lights) (lights, lights)
(Flashing lights) (lights, lights)
(Flashing lights) (lights, lights)
(Flashing lights) (lights, lights)
She don’t believe in shootin’ stars
But she believe in shoes and cars
Wood floors in the new apartment
Couture from the store’s departments
You more like love to start shit
I’m more of the trips to Florida
Ordered the hors d’oeuvre, views of the water
Straight from a page of your favorite author
And the weather so breezy
Man, why can’t life always be this easy?
She in the mirror dancin’ so sleazy
I get a call like: Where are you, Yeezy?
And try to hit you with the ol-wu-wopte
Till I got flashed by the paparazzi
Damn, these niggas got me
I hate these niggas more than the Nazis

As I recall, I know you love to show off
But I never thought that you would take it this far
But what do I know?
(Flashing lights)
What do I know?
(Flashing lights) know

I know it’s been a while, sweetheart
We hardly talk, I was doin’ my thing
I know I was foul, baby
A-bae, lately you’ve been all on my brain
And if somebody would’ve told me a month ago, frontin’ though
Yo, I wouldn’t wanna know
If somebody would’ve told me a year ago it’ll go get this difficult
Feelin’ like Katrina with no FEMA
Like Martin with no Gina
Like a flight with no visa
First class with the seat back, I still see ya
In my past, you on the other side of the glass
Of my memory’s museum
I’m just sayin’: Hey, Mona Lisa
Come home, you know you can’t roam without Caesar

As I recall, I know you love to show off
But I never thought that you would take it this far
But what do I know?
(Flashing lights)
What do I know?
(Flashing lights) know

As you recall, you know I love to show off
But you never thought that I would take it this far
But what do you know?
(Flashing lights)
What do you know?
(Flashing lights) (lights, lights) know

(Flashing lights) (lights, lights)
(Flashing lights) (lights, lights)Kanye West – Flashing Lights (feat. Dwele) – Ouvir Música

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