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Letra Música Famous (feat. Rihanna & Swizz Beatz) – Kanye West

Man, I can understand how it might be kinda hard to love a girl like me
I don’t blame you much for wanting to be free
I just wanted you to know
Woo (woo)
Woo (woo)
Swizz told me let the beat rock (oh)

For all my Southside niggas that know me best
I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex, why?
I made that bitch famous (goddamn)
I made that bitch famous
For all the girls that got dick from Kanye West
If you see ‘em in the streets, give ‘em Kanye’s best, why?
They mad they ain’t famous (goddamn)
They mad they still nameless (talk that talk, man)
Her man in the store tryna try his best
But he just can’t seem to get Kanye fresh
But we still hood famous (goddamn)
Yeah, we still hood famous

I just wanted you to know
I’ve loved you better than your own kin did
From the very start
I don’t blame you much for wanting to be free (wake up, Mr. West)
I just wanted you to know (oh, he’s up)

I be Puerto Rican day parade floatin’
That Benz, Marina del Rey coastin’
She in school to be a real estate agent
Last month, I helped her with the car payment
Young and we alive (woo)
We never gonna die (woo)
I just copped a jet to fly over personal debt
Put one up in the sky
The Sun is in my eyes (woo)
Woke up and felt the vibe (woo)
No matter how hard they try (woo)
We never gonna die

I just wanted you to know (get ‘em)

How you feeling right now?
Let me see your lighters in the air
Let me see your middle finger in the air
Let me see you act up in this motherfucker
How you feelin’? How you feelin’?
How you feelin’ in this motherfucker? Goddamn
One thing you can’t do is stop us now
You can’t stop the thing now
Man, it’s way too late, it’s way too late
It’s way too late, you can’t fuck with us
Woo, woo
To the left, to the right
I wanna see everybody hands in the air like this

I just wanted you to know
I loved you better than your own kin did
From the very start
I don’t blame you much for wanting to be free
I just wanted you to knowKanye West – Famous (feat. Rihanna & Swizz Beatz) – Ouvir Música

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