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Letra Música All Falls Down (feat. Syleena Johnson) – Kanye West

Oh when it all, it all falls down
I’m telling you ohh, it all falls down
Oh when it all, it all falls down
I’m telling you ohh, it all falls down
Man I promise, she’s so self conscious
She has no idea what she’s doing in college
That major that she majored in don’t make no money
But she won’t drop out, her parents will look at her funny
Now, tell me that ain’t insecurrre
The concept of school seems so securrre
Sophmore three yearrrs aint picked a careerrr
She like fuck it, I’ll just stay down herre and do hair
Cause that’s enough money to buy her a few pairs of new Airs
Cause her baby daddy don’t really care
She’s so precious with the peer pressure
Couldn’t afford a car so she named her daughter Alexus (a Lexus)
She had hair so long that it looked like weave
Then she cut it all off now she look like Eve
And she be dealing with some issues that you can’t believe
Single black female addicted to retail and well

Oh when it all, it all falls down
I’m telling you ohh, it all falls down
Oh when it all, it all falls down
I’m telling you ohh, it all falls down

Man I promise, I’m so self conscious
That’s why you always see me with at least one of my watches
Rollies and Pasha’s done drove me crazy
I can’t even pronounce nothing, pass that Versace!
Then I spent 400 bucks on this
Just to be like nigga you ain’t up on this!
And I can’t even go to the grocery store
Without some ones that’s clean and a shirt with a team
It seems we living the American dream
But the people highest up got the lowest self esteem
The prettiest people do the ugliest things
For the road to riches and diamond rings
We shine because they hate us, floss cause they degrade us
We trying to buy back our 40 acres
And for that paper, look how low we a’stoop
Even if you in a Benz, you still a nigga in a coop/coupe

Oh when it all, it all falls down
I’m telling you ohh, it all falls down
Oh when it all, it all falls down
I’m telling you ohh, it all falls down

I say fuck the police, that’s how I treat em
We buy our way out of jail, but we can’t buy freedom
We’a buy a lot of clothes when we don’t really need em
Things we buy to cover up what’s inside
Cause they made us hate ourself and love they wealth
That’s why shortys hollering: Where the ballas’ at?
Drug dealer buy Jordans, crackhead buy crack
And a white man get paid off of all a dat
But I ain’t even gon act holier than thou
Cause fuck it, I went to Jacob with 25 thou
Before I had a house and I’d do it again
Cause I wanna be on 106 and Park pushing a Benz
I wanna act ballerific like it’s all terrific
I got a couple past due bills, I won’t get specific
I got a problem with spending before I get it
We all self conscious I’m just the first to admit it

Oh when it all, it all falls down
I’m telling you ohh, it all falls down
Oh when it all, it all falls down
I’m telling you ohh, it all falls downKanye West – All Falls Down (feat. Syleena Johnson) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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