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Letra Música Bow City – Elephant Man

Corny Niggas!!!, Hi I’m your weather man Mr. O’Neil Bryan, and I’m sayin
You got a terrible weather taking over di earth…..
And this one is coming for Jamaica….
And don’t tink this one is Gilbert, as a matter a fact
I tink it’s ‘bout ready to kill Bombert
All Jamaicans this ah unno anthem
Nuh bwoy never fuck yuh fi nuh benjamins
All Jamaican girls whey yah live right
Nuh gal caan wuk yuh and turn yuh inna dyke
All Jamaican whey know dem ah nuh clown
Nuh bwoy never trick yuh fi nuh english pound
All Jamaican whey yuh conscience free
Unno ready?? (Put ya hands, mek we see)
Come we go bun, down, di whole ah Bow City
Fire pon di fassy dem we nah show nuh pity
And cram, and paralyze and quity
Unno ready?? (Yes!!, we ready)
Mek we go bun, down, di whole ah Bow City
Fire pon di fassy dem we nah show nuh pity
And cram, and paralyze and quity
Unno ready?? (Yes!!, we ready)

Verse 1:
Ha!!!, you, ah walk ‘round wid R. Kelly face
Bad breath caan hide under toothpaste
We see dem gal dem try but dem still lose di case
Gale seh di bwoy ah walk wid form massy face
Blow up pon Mill ah dweet, ah lick Patsy base (Hey!!!)
Move, pon yah get ah tongue inna yuh face
Ha!!!, lightning ball bun out di trace
Now di likkle punk get erased, hey!!!

All Jamaicans this ah unno anthem
Nuh bwoy never bop yuh fi nuh benjamins
All Jamaican girls whey yuh live right
Nuh gal caan wuk yuh and turn yuh inna dyke
All Jamaican whey yuh know dem ah nuh clown
Nuh bwoy never trick yuh fi nuh english pound
All Jamaicans whey yuh conscience free
Unno ready?? (Lift ya hands mek we see)
Come we go bun, down, di whoole ah Bow City
Fire pon di fassy dem we nah show nuh pity
And cram, and paralyze any quity
Unno ready?? (Yes!!, we ready)
Mek we go bun, down, di whole ah Bow City
Fire pon di fassy dem we nah show nuh pity
Abd cram, and paralyze any quity
Unno ready?? (Yes!!, we ready)

Verse 2:
Well then ah we, di gal dem ah pet like ah flowers
We di gal dem waan inna dem house every hours
Nuff bwoy ah use dem out like a lawn mowers
Love down di gal dem like icers and crackers
Bedroom style he ah rid inna di showers
Champion Jackie gal ah ride up mi banners
Tell mek she give mi nuff respect and honors
Honors, put or run ah manners, ha!!!!

All Jamaicans this ah unno anthem
Nuh bwoy never bop yuh fi nuh benjamins
All Jamaican girls whey yuh live right
Nuh gal caan wuk yuh and turn yuh inna dyke
All Jamaican whey know yuh dem ah nuh clown
Nuh bwoy never trick yuh fi nuh english pound
All Jamaican whey yuh conscience free
Unno ready?? (Lift ya hands mek we see)
Mek we go bun, down, di whole ah Bow City
Fire pon di fassy dem we nah show nuh pity
And cram, and paralyze any quity
Unno ready?? (We Ready!!!)
Mek we go bun, down, di whole ah Bow City
Fire pon di fassy dem we nah show nuh pity
And cram, and paralyze any quity
Unno ready??………..

Verse 3:
Ah wha?, ah wha?…Dem ah stray, him nuh turn bowers and gay
In dat dutty living we ah bun dat everyday
Mi seh, caan come ah Scare Dem Way
Remember mi tell dem seh badman nah stray?
We paly, put nuff ah dem pon di lay
Hear what yuh doing wid Sussette and Faye?
Inna dem clubs Scare Dem waan go play
Hell!!!, nah go dem bwoy way!!!Elephant Man – Bow City – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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