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Letra Música IDGAF (feat. Yeat) – Drake

Traveling forever in the dark
Darkness into blackness
There and back, it’s always black
Oh, it screeched across the sky
Nothing to do but lie
Fuck the bitch, I make her sweat, huh
I’ma die by my respect, huh
I put a check up on my neck
Life check ya in the head
I signed for a couple milli’
You only touched a hundred thou’

Man, I don’t give a fuck who it is
I got my twizzy (BNYX)
I spent [?] from tryna go to [?]
Don’t give a fuck what y’all on
Man, fuck all of you (All of you)

Yeah, I don’t be givin’ no fucks (Not one), uh (Just pull up, pull up, woah)
I don’t know if you caught on (Caught on), I don’t be givin’ no fuck, (huh)
I say whatever I want, yeah, I do whatever I want, huh
I’m countin’ up money for fun
And I’m poppin’ these Percs just for fun (The E)

Look, comin’ live from the-
Comin’ live from the one out the five
Comin’ live from the three, two time
Whole gang fucked her eastbound
And they down just like Danny McBride
Why I always see your dawgs in the city?
Think your boys left some soldiers behind
Just like the J, you boys try to vibe (I-I-I-)
That ain’t gon’ fly, nope
I took that one off of the table
October’s Own, it’s a label
I stay with that O like a tie
I stay with that O like a bagel
I stay with that O like a lifesaver
Shout to my ex, I’m her lifesaver
My Glocky, it sit on the night table
You light on the waist like a lightsaber
In Seattle, it’s just me and Twizz’
I hate you boys more than I ever did
You rappin’ ‘bout shit that you never did
My dawg in the can like a metal lid
Free the kid, free the kid, free the kid

Yeah, I don’t be givin’ no fucks (Not one), uh (Just pull up, pull up, woah)
I don’t know if you caught on (Caught on), I don’t be givin’ no fuck, huh
I say whatever I want, yeah, I do whatever I want, huh
I’m countin’ up money for fun
And I’m poppin’ these Percs just for fun (The E)

All of my twizz’ got a gun (Blam)
Couple of my twizz’ on the run (Phew)
Couple of my twizz’ sellin’ Runtz (The E)
Couple of my twizz’ cut ‘em up (The E)
Yeah, couple of my twizz’ sell a bunch
Heard your money got took like it’s lunch (Huh)
We on the side and we punt
Bitch, I sleep in the day, I’on see Sun (Uh-huh, yeah)
Big body Lamb’ truck sittin’ outside in the Sun, it get you caught up, get you fried
You don’t really have no swag, so what you did?
Your little buddy tried to take mine (Woo)
I never needed no help, I never needed nobody, I ain’t wait in no line (Woo)
Gonna be a minute, tell the time
If you did the crime, bitch, why you cryin’?
I just pulled up in a big body, I got a lot of money comin’ in
I just got off the phone with my demon and he told me that I’m gon’ win
I can’t be wasting time on the ‘net, I just be running up a fuckin’ check
Fuck the bitch, I make her sweat, huh, I’ma die by my respect, huh
I put a chain up on my neck, life check ya in the head
I signed for a couple milli’, you only touched a hundred thou’
Ain’t nobody steal ya style, ain’t nobody want yo’ sauce
Tell me who the fuck gon’ fall off, tell me who gon’ make it out?

Yeah, I don’t be givin’ no fucks (Not one), uh (Just pull up, pull up, woah)
I don’t know if you caught on (Caught on), I don’t be givin’ no fuck, huh
I say whatever I want, yeah, I do whatever I want, huh
I’m countin’ up money for fun
And I’m poppin’ these Percs just for fun (The E)Drake – IDGAF (feat. Yeat) – Ouvir Música

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