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Letra Música Streets – Doja Cat

Like you, like you
Like you, ooh
I found it hard to find someone like you
Like you, like you
Send your location, come through
I can’t sleep no more
In my head, we belong
And I can’t be without you
Why can’t I find no one like you?
I can’t sleep no more
In my head, we belong
And I can’t be without you
Why can’t I find no one like you?

Baby, we tried to fight it
We all been there some days
Thought I needed something else
And acted like I was okay
We just had to work it out
And baby, I needed space
Ain’t nobody ‘round here on your level
You’re so far away
You’re pouring your heart out
I’m acting like I knew
You held me so down
So down I never grew, oh
I tried to find out
When none of them came through
And now I’m stuck in the middle
And baby had to pull me out, oh

Like you, like you
Like you, ooh
I found it hard to find someone like you
Like you, like you
Send your location, come through (yeah)

Damn papa, you a rare breed, no comparing
And it’s motherfuckin’ scary
Tryna keep him ‘cause I found him
Let a hoe know I ain’t motherfuckin’ sharing
I could take you to the parents, then to Paris
Plan a motherfuckin’ wedding
You the type I wanna marry (yeah) and keep you merry
I’ll put the ring on when you ready
We play our fantasies out in real life ways and
No Final Fantasy, can we end these games though?
You give me energy, make me feel lightweight
Like the birds of a feather, baby
We real life made for each other
And it’s hard to keep my cool
When other bitches tryna get with my dude and
When other chickens tryna get in my coop
‘Cause you’re a one in a million
There ain’t no man like you

Like you, like you
Like you, ooh
I found it hard to find someone like you
Like you, like you
Send your location, come through

I can’t sleep no more
In my head, we belong
And I can’t be without you
Why can’t I find no one like you?
I can’t sleep no more
In my head, we belong
And I can’t be without you
Why can’t I find no one like you?Doja Cat – Streets – Ouvir Música

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