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Letra Música Say You Leaving – Bounty Killer

She say that she’s leaving, because I’m hot and deceiving (I don’t know why)
She’s leaving, she’s hurting
But what a bond to break, what a bond, people try to instigate
But it’s never wise to make decision when your mad
Remember, think, concentrate, it’s better try to relate, straught, straight
Lady! Gal! Huh!
Say you leaving and the reason is clear
Because I am a gangster and she’s living in fear
In case that I don’t make it is the news you will hear
I got something to tell you baby are you prepared
You say that you are leaving and the thoughts had been grieving
Mistakes that I made, make me look deceiving
If I have her this morning you too wonderful this evening
Breakup to makeup, love is the reason
Say that you are leaving and the thoughts had been grieving
Mistakes that I made, make me look deceiving
If I have her this morning you too wonderful this evening
Breakup to makeup, love is the reason

Verse 1:
Well hear mi now now spouse, yuh waan mi fi resign like I’m in di coast
Or tell mi look a work like a security post
Fi di boss fi di minimum and tek di gross
Well I’m a gangsta dat’s first and foremost
Mi nuh wuk fi politician weh mi head like a dos
Woman yuh bring mi kids yuh have mi land and mi house
So let’s tek a trip and go pon di north coast
Dat wey yuh a first spoke, cross!!!

Say you leaving and the reason is clear
Because I am a gangster and she’s living in fear
In case that I don’t make it is the news you will hear
I got something to tell you baby are you prepared
You say that you are leaving and the thoughts had been grieving
Mistakes that I made, make me look deceiving
If I have her this morning you too wonderful this evening
Breakup to makeup, love is the reason
Say that you are leaving and the thoughts had been grieving
Mistakes that I made, make me look deceiving
If I have her this morning you too wonderful this evening
Breakup to makeup, love is the reason

Verse 2:
Why yuh wanna leave me in the cold
Di prettiest ting my eyes ever behold
Your worth to me more than money and gold
So make the love unforze so let’s take a stroll
Killa nah go diss yah for no other soul
So get this straight and put it inna yuh mole
Sor for this love yuh nah fi pay mi nuh toll
Yuh have full control and nothing untold
Things I instigate but what a bond to break
I know yuh might lose faith
I might give yuh more a than you can take
Unconditional love have no estimate, lady!!!

Say you leaving and the reason is clear
Because I am a gangster and she’s living in fear
In case that I don’t make it is the news you will hear
I got something to tell you baby are you prepared
You say that you are leaving and the thoughts had been grieving
Mistakes that I made, make me look deceiving
If I have her this morning you too wonderful this evening
Breakup to makeup, love is the reason
Say that you are leaving and the thoughts had been grieving
Mistakes that I made, make me look deceiving
If I have her this morning you too wonderful this evening
Breakup to makeup, love is the reasonBounty Killer – Say You Leaving – Ouvir Música

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