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Letra Música Rush – Ayra Starr

Ta-ta-ri-pa, ta-ta-ri
Ta-ta-ri-pa, ta-ta-ri, pa

Sabi, girl, no dey too like talk
Animals dey in human form
Padi, man, nobody like work
But you must hustle if you wan’ chop

E no finish dem wan fight us
If them dey run, dem no fit catch up
I no dey form say I too righteous
No come dey form say you too like us

Me no get the time for the hate and the bad energy, got my mind on my money
Make you dance like Poco Lee
Steady green like broccoli
Steady on my grind, no wan hear what they wan’ telly me kudi na my fantasy
Dem wan dey check if my tap e no rush

But e dey rush (e dey rush)
E dеy rush well, well, e bе much (e be much)
Na God dey make my tap, e dey rush
The kind money we touch, yeah

E dey rush (e dey rush)
E dey rush well, well, e be much (e be much)
No be hype, everybody dey crush
There’s no dulling with us (there’s no dulling with us)

Ta-ta-ri-pa, pa-pa-ri (yeah)
Ta-ta-ri-pa, pa-pa-ri-pa

Jofunmi Japata, I dey go Ghana (yeah)
You never touch, you dey form papas (yeah)
Which kind money we never see before?
Kosi elomi gat me feelin’ I’m the one

Aje, aje, aje
Can never take my cake away, aje
You can’t count my grace
I just dey my lane, my lane

Me no get the time for the hate and the bad energy, got my mind on my money
Make you dance like Poco Lee
Steady green like broccoli
Steady on my grind, no wan hear what they wan’ telly me kudi na my fantasy
Dem wan dey check if my tap e no rush

But e dey rush (e dey rush)
E dey rush well, well, e be much (e be much)
Na God dey make my tap, e dey rush
The kind money we touch, yeah

E dey rush (e dey rush)
E dey rush well, well e be much (e be much)
No be hype, everybody dey crush
There’s no dulling with us (there’s no dulling with us)

‘Cause e dey rush
E dey rush well, well, e be much
Na God dey make my tap, e dey rush
The kind money we touch

E dey rush
E dey rush well, well, e be much
No be hype, everybody dey crush
There’s no dulling with us (there’s no dulling)

Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeahAyra Starr – Rush – Ouvir Música

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