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Letra Música Smack That (feat. Eminem) – Akon

Slim Shady
I see the one
Could she be that lady?

I feel you creeping, I can see you from my shadow
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo?
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo
And possibly bend you over?

Look back and watch me smack that all on the floor
Smack that, give me some more
Smack that, ‘til you get sore
Smack that, oh

Smack that, all on the floor
Smack that, give me some more
Smack that, ‘til you get sore
Smack that, oh

Upfront style, ready to attack now
Pull in the parking lot slow with the ‘Lac down
Konvict’s got the whole thing packed now
Step in the club, the wardrobe intact now
I feel it dawning cracked now
Oh, I see it dull and backed now
I’ma call her, then I put the Mack down
Money no problem, pocket full of that now

I feel you creeping, I can see you from my shadow
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo?
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo
And possibly bend you over?

Look back and watch me smack that all on the floor
Smack that, give me some more
Smack that, ‘til you get sore
Smack that, oh

Smack that, all on the floor
Smack that, give me some more
Smack that, ‘til you get sore
Smack that, oh

Oh, looks like another club banger
They better hang on when they throw this thang on
Get a little drink on, they gon’ flip
For this Akon shit, you can bank on it
Pedicure, manicure, kitty-cat claws
The way she climbs up and down them poles
Looking like one of them Putty-Cat Dolls
Trying to hold my woodie back through my drawers
Steps off stage, didn’t think I saw her
Creeps up behind me, and she’s like: You’re!
I’m like: I know, let’s cut to the chase
No time to waste, back to my place
Plus, from the club to the crib’s like a mile away
Or more like a palace, shall I say
And plus, I got a pal if your gal is game
In fact, he’s the one singin’ the song that’s playing (Akon!)

I feel you creeping, I can see you from my shadow (my shadow)
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo? (Gallardo)
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo (like Tae Bo)
And possibly bend you over? (Oh, yeah)

Look back and watch me smack that all on the floor
Smack that, give me some more
Smack that, ‘til you get sore (sore)
Smack that, oh

Smack that, all on the floor
Smack that, give me some more (yeah)
Smack that, ‘til you get sore
Smack that, oh (yeah, yeah)

Eminem’s rolling, D and ‘em rolling
Bu and all marvelous, them rolling
Women just ho-in’, big booty rolling
Soon, I’ll be all in them and throwin’ D (D)
Hitting no less than three (three)
Block wheel style like whee (whee)
Girl, I can tell you want me, ‘cause lately

I feel you creeping (yeah), I can see you from my shadow (my shadow)
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo? (Gallardo)
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo (like Tae Bo?)
And possibly bend you over? (Oh, yeah)

Look back and watch me smack that all on the floor
Smack that, give me some more
Smack that, ‘til you get sore
Smack that, oh

Smack that, all on the floor
Smack that, give me some more
Smack that, ‘til you get sore
Smack that, ohAkon – Smack That (feat. Eminem) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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