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Letra Música Window Shopper – 50 Cent

Nigga, you’s a window shopper
Mad at me, I think I know why
Nigga, you’s a window shopper
In the jewelry store lookin’ at shit you can’t buy
Nigga, you’s a window shopper
In the dealership tryin’ to get a test drive
Nigga, you’s a window shopper
Mad as fuck when you see me ride by

Summertime, white Porsche Carrera is milky
I’m on the grind, let my paper stack but I’m filthy
It’s funny how niggas get to screw-facin’ at me
Anyhow, they ain’t got the heart to get at me
I’ll get down, Southside’s the hood that I come from
So I don’t cruise through nobody hood without my gun

They know the kid ain’t gon’ fall for all that bullshit
Try and stick me, I’ma let off a full clip
It ain’t my fault you done fucked up your re-up
At the dice game, who told you put a G up?
Everybody mad when they paper don’t stack right
But when I come around y’all niggas better act right

When we got the tops down, you can hear the systems thump
Nigga, when we rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
Shut your block down, quick to put a hole in a chump
Nigga, when we rollin’, rollin’, rollin’

Nigga, you’s a window shopper
Mad at me, I think I know why
Nigga, you’s a window shopper
In the jewelry store lookin’ at shit you can’t buy

Nigga, you’s a window shopper
In the dealership tryin’ to get a test drive
Nigga, you’s a window shopper
Mad as fuck when you see me ride by

Niggas love me in L.A. as soon as I pop in
They come to scoop me up at LAX and I hop in
Now when it comes to bad bitches you know I got them
Some from Long Beach, some from Watts and from Compton

You know a nigga wanna see how Cali girls freak off
After that five hour flight from New York
I start spittin’ G at a bitch like a pimp, mane
Tell her, meet me at the Mondrian so we can do our thang

She can bring the lingerie with her, I suppose
Then we can go from fully dressed to just havin’ no clothes
Then she can run and tell her best friend ‘bout my sex game
Then her best friend could potentially be next, mane

Listen mane, shit changed, I came up, I’m doin’ my thing
Homie, I’m holdin’, holdin’, holdin’
Oh shit, mane, the store owner watchin’ you
Before somethin’ get stolen, stolen, stolen

Nigga, you’s a window shopper
Mad at me, I think I know why
Nigga, you’s a window shopper
In the jewelry store lookin’ at shit you can’t buy

Nigga, you’s a window shopper
In the dealership tryin’ to get a test drive
Nigga, you’s a window shopper
Mad as fuck when you see me ride by50 Cent – Window Shopper – Ouvir Música

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