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Letra Música The Heart From Your Hate – Trivium

What will it take
What will it take
To rip the heart from your hate?
It’s easy to be right
When everything repeats
It’s easier to cut us down and point at our defeat
It’s easy to be right
When everything repeats
Deep below the surface find your insecurities

Tell me

Maybe you were right
Maybe I was wrong
But I’ve been silent for far too long
Maybe you were right
Maybe I should go
But I’ve been silent for far too long

What will it take
To rip the heart from your hate?
What will it take
What will it take
To rip the heart from your hate?
To rip the heart from your hate?
To rip the heart from your hate?

You always walk away
Soon you’ll have to face it
Your distance from reality won’t bury or erase it
I try to do the same
Living so complacent
But the problems wouldn’t go away
So I turn around and face it

And tell me

Maybe you were right
Maybe I was wrong
But I’ve been silent for far too long
Maybe you were right
Maybe I should go
But I’ve been silent for far too long

What will it take
To rip the heart from your hate?
What will it take
What will it take
To rip the heart from your hate?

Maybe you were right
Maybe I was wrong
But I’ve been silent for far too long

What will it take
To rip the heart from your hate?
What will it take
What will it take
To rip the heart from your hate?

What will it take
To rip the heart from your hate?
What will it take
What will it take

To rip the heart from your hate?
To rip the heart from your hate?
To rip the heart from your hate?Trivium – The Heart From Your Hate – Ouvir Música

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