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Letra Música Ayahuasca – Therion

At sunrise the chacruna leaf
Gather to brew ayahuasca
The plant caapi ad to fire and clean the wine (liana of the soul set free)
Pray to brew ayahuasca

See the shaman entrance you to treasure the sacrament
La purga awaits you to open your eyes

O luna sail
The firmament forever and bring your ship to find us
O luna sail

O luna sail
Wrap your light around us to meet the cosmic serpent
Luna sail away

Silver lining run to the astral Sun, it will glow and arise

Sante daime ritual
Set to praise ayahuasca

Spiritual revelation, awakening (liana of the soul set free)
Flower of ayahuasca

As the key to the secret is turned by the universe
Beware that the brujos might lead you astray

O luna sail
The firmament forever and bring your ship to find us
O luna sail

O luna sail
Wrap your light around us to meet the cosmic serpent
Luna sail away

Silver lining run to the astral Sun, it will glow and arise

O luna sail
The firmament forever and bring your ship to find us
O luna sail

O luna sail
Wrap your light around us to meet the cosmic serpent
O luna sail

Sing to me of days blowing the wind
Through the veil of earth and sea

Sing to me of days blowing the wind
Through (blowing through) the veil (the veil) of earth (of earth) and sea (and sea)

Stand amid the waves as you aim for distant shores
To forget when time portrayed the indifferent stars above

Sing to me of days blowing the wind
Through the veil of earth and sea

Sing to me of days blowing the wind
Through (blowing through) the veil (the veil) of earth (of earth) and sea (and sea)

Stand amid the waves as you aim for distant shores
To forget when time portrayed the indifferent stars above

Let the nightingale in the shadow of your mind
Guide you from misleading ways to the wonders you shall findTherion – Ayahuasca – Ouvir Música

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