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Letra Música War? – System Of A Down

Dark is the light
The man you fight
With all your prayers, incantations
Running away, a trivial day
Of judgment and deliverance
To whom was sold, this bounty soul
A gentile or a priest?
Who victored over, the seljuks
When the holy land was taken
We will fight the heathens, we will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, we will fight the heathens

Was it the riches, of the land
Powers of bright darkness
That lead the noble, to the east
To fight the heathens

We will fight the heathens, we will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, we will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, we will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, we will fight the heathens

We must call upon our bright darkness
Beliefs, they’re the bullets of the wicked
One was written on the sword
For you must enter a room to destroy destroy, destroy
No international security
No call of the righteous man
Needs a reason to kill man
History teaches us so
The reason he must attain
Must be approved by his God
His child, partisan brother of war

Of war, we don’t speak anymore
Of war, we don’t speak anymore
Of war, we don’t speak anymore
Of war, we don’t speak anymore

We will fight the heathens, we will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, we will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, we will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, we will fight the heathensSystem Of A Down – War? – Ouvir Música

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