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Letra Música Empty Walls – Serj Tankian

Your empty walls, your empty walls
Pretentious attention
Dismissive apprehension
Don’t waste your time on coffins today
When we decline from the conffines of our mind
Dont waste your time on coffins today
Don’t you see their bodies burning?
Desolate and full of yearning
Dying of anticipation
Choking from intoxication
Don’t you see their bodies burning?
Desolate and full of yearning
Dying of anticipation
Choking from intoxication

I want you to be left behind those empty walls
Taunt you to see from behind those empty walls

Those empty walls

When we decline from the conffines of our mind
Don’t waste your time on coffins today

Don’t you see their bodies burning?
Desolate and full of yearning
Dying of anticipation
Choking from intoxication
Don’t you see their bodies burning?
Desolate and full of yearning
Dying of anticipation
Choking from intoxication

I want you to be left behind those empty walls
Taunt you to see from behind those empty walls
Want you to be left behind those empty walls
I taunt you to see from behind those empty walls

From behind those empty walls
From behind those empty walls
The walls
From behind those empty walls

I loved you yesterday
(From behind those empty walls)
Before you killed my family
(From behind those empty walls)
(The walls)

Don’t you see their bodies burning?
Desolate and full of yearning
Dying of anticipation
Choking from intoxication
Don’t you see their bodies burning? (I want)
Desolate and full of yearning (you to)
Dying of anticipation (be)
Choking from intoxication (left behind those empty walls)

I want you to be left behind those empty walls
Taunt you to see from behind those empty walls

I want you to be left behind those empty walls
I taunt you to see from behind those empty walls

From behind those empty walls
From behind those empty walls
From behind those fucking walls
From behind those goddamn walls
Those walls
Those wallsSerj Tankian – Empty Walls – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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