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Letra Música In The Name Of God – Powerwolf

In the name of God
In the name of God
In the name of God we go to heaven
In the name of God
In the name of God
In the name of God we go to heaven

Martyrs in the name of God
Where nights in war and fire
Raise your sword for holy blood
We burn them on the pyre

To defend, to commend to the holy war
Mater Maria
To the end we will stand, we are fighting for
Deus in regnium!

In the name of God
In the name of God
In the name of God we go to heaven

In the name of God
In the name of God
In the name of God we go to heaven

Brother sin, believe in sword
To nights of blood and thunder
Strike for glory and reward
We came to kill and plunder

To your faith, your crusade to the holy war
Mater Maria
To the end we will stand, we are fighting for
Deus in regnium!

In the name of God
In the name of God
In the name of God we go to heaven

In the name of God
In the name of God
In the name of God we follow
In the name of God we follow

In the name of Mater Maria, in the name of God!
In the name of Mater Maria, Deus in regnium!

Sanctus Christus Deus Vult
In the name of God!
Sanctus Iesus Deus Vult
In the name of God!
Sanctus Christus Deus Vult
In the name of God!

Cantus Lupus, in the name of God!
Agnus Christus, in the name of God!
Sanctus Lupus, in the name of God!Powerwolf – In The Name Of God – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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