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Letra Música Shot In The Dark – Ozzy Osbourne

Out on the street
I’m stalking the night
I can hear my heavy breathing
Paid for the kill
But it doesn’t seem right
Something there I can’t believe in
Voices are calling from inside my head
I can hear them
I can hear them vanishing memories of things that were said
They can’t try to hurt me now

But a shot in the dark
One step away from you
Just a shot in the dark
Always creeping up on you, all right

Taught by the powers
That preaches over me
I can hear their empty reason
I wouldn’t listen
I learnt how to fight
I opened up my mind to treason

But just like the wounded
And when it’s too late
They’ll remember
They’ll surrender
Never a care for the people who hate
Underestimate me now

But a shot in the dark
One step away from you
Just a shot in the dark
Nothing that you can do
Just a shot in the dark
Always creeping up on you, all right

But just like the wounded
And when it’s too late
They’ll remember
They’ll surrender
Never a care for the people who hate
Underestimate me now

But a shot in the dark
One step away from you
Just a shot in the dark
Nothing that you can do
Just a shot in the dark
Always creeping up on you, all right

Just a shot in the dark
Just a shot in the dark
Just a shot in the dark
Just a shot in the darkOzzy Osbourne – Shot In The Dark – Ouvir Música

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