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Letra Música The Writing On The Wall – Iron Maiden

Across a painted desert lies a train of vagabonds
All that’s left of what we were, it’s what we have become
Once our empires glorious but now the empire’s gone
The dead gave us the time to live and now our time is done
Now we are victorious, we’ve become our slaves
A land of hope and glory, building graveyards for the brave

Have you seen the writing on the wall?
Have you seen that writing?
Can you see the riders on the storm?
Can you see them riding?
Can you see them riding?

Holding on to fury is that all we ever know
Ignorance our judge and jury all we’ve got to show
From Hollywood to Babylon
Holy war to kingdom come
On a trail of dust and ashes
When the burning sky is done

A tide of change is coming and that is what you fear
The earthquake is a coming, but you don’t want to hear
You’re just too blind to see

Have you seen the writing on the wall?
Have you seen that writing?
Can you see the riders on the storm?
Can you see them riding?
Can you see them riding?
Riding next to you

Have you seen the writing on the wall?
Have you seen that writing?
Can you see the riders on the storm?
Can you see the riding?

Have you seen the writing on the wall?
Have you seen that writing?
Can you see the riders on the storm?
Can you see them riding?
Can you see them riding?
Riding next to youIron Maiden – The Writing On The Wall – Ouvir Música

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