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Letra Música Watcher In The Sky – Ghost

Looking for the watcher in the sky
Evolutionary the optics for us
To get answers as to why
We signal to another dimension that we
Stand here ready for reply

Communication is key
When you are locked to believe
Can you see what I see?

Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky

The kaleidoscopian visions we’ve seen
Tell our bloodlines are top-notch
The pre-destinated we’ll dispatch while your realm has rotted on our watch

Communication is key
When you are locked to believe
Can you see what I see?

Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky

For the light, our savior (savior)
His Machiavellian grace
And in a shield of splendor (splendor)
There is a better place

Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky

Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the sky
Looking for the watcher in the skyGhost – Watcher In The Sky – Ouvir Música

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