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Letra Música Griftwood – Ghost

Suffering for the lord is not an easy thing
Be it a conjuring
So ordained and adored, so immaculate
Ooh, so worth the debt

I’m your rock, baby
I won’t back down
I’m your rock, baby
Ask yourself, ooh
Are you righteous?
You wanna play with the sire?
You want a view from the spire?
You want a seat by the pyre?
And never ever suffer again

Sacrifice for the horde leads the way from shame
Be it a losers game
The disdained and abhorred lash of the senate wip
Ooh, it’s a power trip

I’m your rock, baby
I won’t back down
I’m your rock, baby
Ask yourself, ooh
Are you righteous?
You want to play with the sire?
You want a view from the spire?
You want a seat by the pyre?
And never ever suffer again
You want to console the griever
You want to guide the believer
You and the greatest deceiver
And never ever suffer again

Holy mother
You washeth the sin from my feet
Holy mother
You shine like the Sun and the Moon and the stars in the sky
Holy mother
You washeth the sin from my feet
Holy mother
You shine like the Sun and the Moon and the stars in the sky
Holy mother
The world has set me on your shoulders
Holy mother
You shine like the Sun and the Moon and the stars in the sky

I’m your rock, baby
I won’t back down
I’m your rock, baby
Ask yourself
Are you righteous?
You want to play with the sire?
You want a view from the spire?
You want a seat by the pyre?
And never ever suffer again
Never ever suffer again
You want to play with the sire?
You want a view from the spire?
You want a seat by the pyre?
And never ever suffer again

You want to console the griever
You want to guide the believer
You and the greatest deceiver
And never ever suffer againGhost – Griftwood – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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