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Letra Música The Night – Disturbed

What has come over me?
What madness taken hold of my heart?
To run away, the only answer
Pulling me away
To fall upon
(The night)
The source of my recovery
Sweet shadow taking hold of the light
Another day has been devoured
Calling me away, begging the question why?
For saving me from all they’ve taken
Letting my armor fall again
Giving me the strength to face them
Feeling it taking over now
On a path to take it all away

There can be no better way of knowing
In a world beyond controlling
Are you going to deny the savior
In front of your eyes?

Stare into the night
Power beyond containing
Are you going to remain a slave
For the rest of your life?
Give into the night

This self-discovery
Redemption taking hold of my mind
A serenade of haunting voices
Calling me away, to feast upon
(The night)

The source of my felicity
Dark maiden taking hold of my hand
Lead me away from hibernation
Strong and unafraid, never a question why?

For saving me from all they’ve taken
Letting my armor fall again
Giving me the strength to face them
Feeling it taking over now
I’m about to take it away

There can be no better way of knowing
In a world beyond controlling
Are you going to deny the savior
In front of your eyes?

Stare into the night
Power beyond containing
Are you going to remain a slave
For the rest of your life
Give into the night

Give in to the night
In a world beyond controlling
Are you going to deny the savior
In front of your eyes?

Stare into the night
Power beyond containing
Are you going to remain a slave
For the rest of your life
Give into the night

Give into the night night
Give into the nightDisturbed – The Night – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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