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Letra Música Bad Man – Disturbed

Bad man, such a sad man
Is it ever enough?
Will you ever find a new obsession?
What a bad man, like a blind man
So lost in the dark
Still searching for his own salvation
Bad man, you’ve been had, man
You can never return
And you’re never gonna find redemption now
Bad man, a bad man
Another mad man
Oh, bad man
What’s the reason why? (What’s the reason why?)
Oh, innocents always have to die
By your hand
No, I will never understand (never understand)
Why these cowards bow to your demands
They’re all victims of another bad man

Bad man, b-b-bad man
Bad man, b-b-bad man

Bad man
No, you didn’t think that we were ready for war
And you questioned our determination
Take it back, man, ‘cause we’re not dealing with your shit anymore
You’re about to have an education
Damn, man, got a plan, man
Need to settle the score
There’s no way that you can be forgiven now
Bad man, a bad man
A fucking mad man

Oh, bad man
What’s the reason why? (What’s the reason why?)
Oh, innocents always have to die
By your hand
No, I will never understand (never understand)
Why these cowards bow to your demands
They’re all victims of another bad man

Oh, bad man
What’s the reason why? (What’s the reason why?)
Oh, innocents always have to die
By your hand
No, I will never understand (never understand)
Why these cowards bow to your demands
They’re all victims of another bad man
Bad man
What’s the reason why? (What’s the reason why?)
Oh, innocents always have to die
By your hand
No, I will never understand (never understand)
Why these cowards bow to your demands
They’re at the mercy of another bad man

Bad man, b-b-bad man
B-b-b-bad man, b-b-bad man

’Cause we’re at the mercy of another bad manDisturbed – Bad Man – Ouvir Música

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