Letra Música The Wizard and I – Wicked

Oh, Miss Elphaba
Many years I have waited
For a gift like yours to appear
Why, I predict the Wizard
Could make you his
Magic grand vizier!
My dear, my dear
I’ll write at once to the Wizard
Tell him of you in advance
With a talent like yours, dear
There is a defin-ish chance
If you work as you should
You’ll be making good
Did that really just happen?
Have I actually understood?
This weird quirk I’ve tried
To suppress or hide
Is a talent that could
Help me meet the Wizard
If I make good
So I’ll make good

When I meet the Wizard
Once I prove my worth
And then I meet the Wizard
What I’ve waited for since: Since birth!
And with all his Wizard wisdom
By my looks, he won’t be blinded
Do you think the Wizard is dumb?
Or, like Munchkins, so small-minded?
No! He’ll say to me
I see who you truly are
A girl on whom I can rely!
And that’s how we’ll begin
The Wizard and I

Once I’m with the Wizard
My whole life will change
‘Cuz once you’re with the Wizard
No one thinks you’re strange!
No father is not proud of you
No sister acts ashamed
And all of Oz has to love you
When by the Wizard you’re acclaimed
And this gift – or this curse
I have inside
Maybe at last, I’ll know why
When we are hand and hand
The Wizard and I!

And one day, he’ll say to me: Elphaba
A girl who is so superior
Shouldn’t a girl who’s so good inside
Have a matching exterior?
And since folks here to an absurd degree
Seem fixated on your verdigris
Would it be all right by you
If I de-greenify you?

And though of course
That’s not important to me
All right, why not? I’ll reply
Oh, what a pair we’ll be
The Wizard and I
Yes, what a pair we’ll be
The Wizard and

My future is unlimited
And I’ve just had a vision
Almost like a prophecy
I know – it sounds truly crazy
And true, the vision’s hazy
But I swear, someday there’ll be
A celebration throughout Oz
That’s all to do with me!

And I’ll stand there with the Wizard
Feeling things I’ve never felt
And though I’d never show it
I’ll be so happy, I could melt!
And so it will be
For the rest of my life
And I’ll want nothing else
Till I die
Held in such high esteem
When people see me, they will scream
For half of Oz’s fav’rite team
The Wizard
And I!Wicked – The Wizard and I – Ouvir Música

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