Letra Música Hope – We Came As Romans

Sometimes I feel so wrong
Like I’m being held down
I feel my heart like a rock, it’s sinking
These days can get so dark
Like an eclipse in the sky
But I can rise above
I can find the light
I can run
I can change all the answers
Or what I’ll hope they’ll be

I won’t stop
I won’t let my own questions
Fade away in my dreams

Don’t fade away

We won’t fall to our knees
We are the one true hope
So give me an answer
Are you in or you out?
We are the one true hope
So give me an answer

We all fall, crawl out of the fear you’re in
Don’t give up
We won’t fall to our knees
We are the one true hope
So give me an answer
So give me an answer now
Give me an answer

Stand up
You have a voice to be heard
You’re worth more than words
So let your fire burn
Oh, your flame will be lit
Again when a candle is burned at both ends
And there’s nothing left

You can change
You can become selfless
You’re not set in stone

You will wade through mistakes that we all make
But just hold on

Don’t fade away (hold on)

We won’t fall to our knees
We are the one true hope
So give me an answer
Are you in or you out?
We are the one true hope
So give me an answer

We all fall, crawl out of the fear you’re in
Don’t give up
We won’t fall to our knees
We are the one true hope
So give me an answer

We are the one true hope
So are you with me
Or will you fall to your knees?

We are the one true hope
So are you with me
Or will you fall to your knees?

We are the one true hope
We are the one true hope

We won’t fall to our knees
We are the one true hope
So give me an answer
Are you in or you out?
We are the one true hope
So give me an answer

We all fall, crawl out of the fear you’re in
Don’t give up
We won’t fall to our knees
We are the one true hope
So give me an answer whoa whoa
Give me an answer, now whoa whoa
Give me an answer
We Came As Romans – Hope – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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