Letra Música If You Can’t Hang – Sleeping With Sirens

I met a girl at seventeen
Thought she meant the world to me
So I gave her everything
She turned out to be a cheat
Said she’d been thinking for a long time
And she found somebody new
I’ve been thinking that this whole time
Well, I never thought you’d stay
That’s okay
I hope he takes your filthy heart
And then he throws you away someday
Before you go
There’s one thing you oughta know

If you can’t hang, then there’s the door, baby
If you can’t hang, then there’s the door, baby
If you can’t hang, then there’s the door, baby
If you can’t hang, then there’s the door

I don’t wanna take your precious time
‘Cause you’re such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face
But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time
I don’t wanna take up all your time
‘Cause you’re such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face
But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time

You’re the lowest type
You’re the lowest

I met a girl stuck in her ways
She found a boy she knew she’d change
I changed my clothes, my hair, my face
To watch us go our separate ways
She said we’ve grown apart for sometime
But, then she found somebody new
I hope Mr. Right puts up with all the bullshit that you do

Stay the hell away
While I sit here by myself
And figure out how I got this way
Before you go
There’s one thing you oughta know

If you can’t hang, then there’s the door, baby
If you can’t hang, then there’s the door, baby
If you can’t hang, then there’s the door, baby
If you can’t hang, then there’s the door

I don’t wanna take your precious time
‘Cause you’re such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face
But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time
I don’t wanna take up all your time
‘Cause you’re such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face
But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time

I don’t want to get things confused
She said she’d never settle for some boy she couldn’t use
So now I gotta call the doctor
So he can prescribe me medication
So I can deal with all the memories of being here this way

I met a girl at twenty-three
Knew she meant the world to me
So I gave her everything
And she did the same for me
Imagine that

‘Cause you’re such a pretty, pretty face
No, you’re such a pretty, pretty face
Well, oh yeah
‘Cause you’re such a pretty, pretty face
No, you’re such a pretty, pretty face

I don’t wanna take your precious time
‘Cause you’re such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face
But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time
I don’t wanna take up all your time
‘Cause you’re such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face
But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time

Would you, please, stay and come inside, baby?
Would you, please, stay and, please, be mine, baby?
Would you, please, stay and come inside, baby?
Would you, please, stay and, please, be mine?Sleeping With Sirens – If You Can’t Hang – Ouvir Música

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