Letra Música Running With Scissors – I See Stars

The truth cannot be anymore clear
And I’m not asking you to hold on
It’s everything that you ever feared
I know you’re trying so hard to move on
It kind of feels like someone
Replaced the heart that once was yours
I’m trying hard to be someone
But falling short of the person
I want to be
I want to be

So I’ll pretend I’m letting go
While you’re dancing in the past without colors
You’ll be the one

Running away in my nightmares
I’m letting go
You said you’d never ever look back
You’ll be the one

Running away in my nightmares
Trying hard to be someone
But falling short of the person I want to be
Trying hard to be someone
But falling short of the person I want to be I want to be

Running running running

The truth cannot be anymore clear
And I’m not asking you to hold on
It’s everything that you ever feared

So I’ll pretend I’m letting go
While you’re dancing in the past without colors
You’ll be the one

Running away in my nightmares
I’m letting go
You said you’d never ever look back
You’ll be the one

I want to be
I want to be
It kind of feels like someone
Replaced the heart that once was yours
I’m trying hard to be someone

So I’ll pretend I’m letting go
While you’re dancing in the past without colors
You’ll be the one

Running away in my nightmares
I’m letting go
You said you’d never ever look back
You’ll be the one running away in my nightmaresI See Stars – Running With Scissors – Ouvir Música

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