Letra Música Pick Up The Phone – Falling In Reverse

Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system
Please, record your message
Pick up the phone, answer your text
Well, I apologize about last night, I really did not mean to disrespect
You, you better be alone, no, I’m not obsessed
But if I catch you with somebody else, you know that I am gonna be upset
I truly believe that the reason I’m here
Is to tell you the truth that your ending is near
And one day you must look at yourself in the mirror
I still don’t think that you are hearing me clear
You must understand that our friendship is done
Justified by the person that you have become
But because of the fact that enough is enough
Now I’m the one that is holding the gun

Whoa, this will be the end of us
I have tried way too many times to heal
I have loved you so much, it hurts me, dear
And this, this will be the end of us

Pick up the phone, pick up the phone, pick up the phone
Well I apologize about last night, I really did not mean to disrespect

Pick yourself up, up off the floor
Wipe the tears from off your face because the cops are knocking on our door
They’re gonna wanna know what’s up, better tell them that you fell
‘Cause when they see the bruises on my face, they’re probably taking both of us to jail
I’m sick and tired of fighting each other
The lying, the crying and calling your mother
The calling of names, I’m bothered and smothered
We kiss and make up and get under the covers
A dangerous cycle I don’t understand
The kicking, the screaming, the breaking of limbs
I’ll be damned if I see you with some other man
‘Cause if I cannot have you, then nobody can

Whoa, this will be the end of us
I have tried way too many times to heal
I have loved you so much, it hurts me, dear
And this, this will be the end of us

Death do us part
I thought you would never go straight for my heart
I’m better off living in hell

Pick up your phone
Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system
Pick up your phone
Please, record your message
Pick up the phone

Whoa, this will be the end of us
I have tried way too many times to heal
I have loved you so much, it hurts me, dear
And this, this will be the end of us

Pick up the phone, pick up the phone, pick up the phone
Well I apologize about last night, I really did not mean to disrespect

We’re sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service at this time, fuck youFalling In Reverse – Pick Up The Phone – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

A internet, enfim, digna de confiança – pág.1

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