Letra Música To The Stage – Asking Alexandria

I’m out the door
I’m on my ass again
Like every night before
I’m off the wall
I’m out of my fucking mind
I’m out of control
I’ll be the end of her
I’m in her head and in control
She’s let me in
Now take a sip
And let the show begin
The floor’s all yours
The house is full
You’ve made the slip
Now take the fall
I pull your strings
You’re too deep in
So will she sink or swim?
Ladies and Gentlemen, place your fucking bets
Here we go

Oh she’s down, how very spectacular
What a work of art I’ve spawned
Man, I am proud of myself on this one
She’s such a fucking masterpiece
Self-destruction is such a pretty little thing

I know that I
Should walk away
But I can’t bring myself
To quit this game
She’s just a beautiful girl
With the weight of the world
On her shoulders
I’m just a kick in the teeth
From a world that’s painted gold

Turn the fucking table
She’s out the door
She’s on her ass again
Like every night before
She’s off the wall
Out of her fucking mind
She’s out of control
I was the end of her
In her head, in control

Just like before
I should’ve told you again
That I’m so sorry
I’m so sorry
Just like before
I should’ve told you again
That I’m so sorry
I’m so sorry
Just like before
I should’ve told you again
That I’m so sorry
I’m so sorry
Just like before
I should’ve told you again
That I’m so sorry
I’m so sorry
Just like before
I should’ve told you again
That I’m so sorry
I’m so sorryAsking Alexandria – To The Stage – Ouvir Música

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