Letra Música Someone, Somewhere – Asking Alexandria

Even though I’m on my own, I know I’m not alone
Because I know there’s someone, somewhere praying that I make it home
So here’s one from the heart, my life right from the start
I need a home sweet home to call my own
It was you that told me I could do this
You put the music in my heart
And how you sang with the band in memphis
It’s hard just to be strong not knowing if I’ve done you proud
I like to imagine you smile when you hear my songs

Even though I’m on my own, I know I’m not alone
Because I know there’s someone, somewhere praying that I make it home
So here’s one from the heart, my life right from the start
I need a home sweet home to call my own

A letter home and I know we don’t speak much
And we both know I’m not keen to but I think there’s things I’ve left unsaid
I’m okay don’t worry
I wish I’d been a better kid
I’m trying to slow down
I’m sorry for letting you down

Even though I’m on my own, I know I’m not alone
Because I know there’s someone, somewhere praying that I make it home
So here’s one from the heart, my life right from the start
I need a home sweet home to call my own

You know it’s just rock and roll
I know you’re by my side through it all
My terror twin and I
Let’s take over the world

Even though I’m on my own, I know I’m not alone
Because I know there’s someone, somewhere praying that I make it home
So here’s one from the heart, my life right from the start
I need a home sweet home to call my own

Even though I’m on my own, I know I’m not alone
Because I know there’s someone, somewhere praying that I make it home
So here’s one from the heart, my life right from the start
I need a home sweet home to call my ownAsking Alexandria – Someone, Somewhere – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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