Letra Música Psycho – Asking Alexandria

I’m feeling out of my mind
Oh God, I feel so alive
Oh no, I’m not gonna die
‘Cause I’m a psycho
I love to get attention
The tensions all I need
To feed my own insanity

Don’t ask me for forgiveness
I’d rather watch you bleed
If it meant that I could see with clarity

Some things awaken deep inside
It’s like I’m frozen still in time
And in my head, it’s like I’m in a cage
I hide behind the devil’s eyes
I lost my faith a thousand times
And in my head, it’s like I’m in a cage

I’m feeling out of my mind
Oh God, I feel so alive
Oh no, I’m not gonna die
‘Cause I’m a psycho
A messiah to life
I’m feeling out of my mind
I’m going crazy
‘Cause I’m a fucking psycho

I’m a fucking psycho

You’d think I’d learn my lesson
Or quit while I’m ahead
Don’t fuck with all the memories in my mind
I’m about to break down, nothing can help now
Why do I keep falling, falling to the ground?

Some things awaken deep inside
It’s like I’m frozen still in time
And in my head, it’s like I’m in a cage
I hide behind the devil’s eyes
I lost my faith a thousand times
And in my head, it’s like I’m in a cage

I’m feeling out of my mind
Oh God, I feel so alive
Oh no, I’m not gonna die
‘Cause I’m a psycho
A messiah to life
I’m feeling out of my mind
I’m going crazy
‘Cause I’m a fucking psycho

I’m a fucking psycho

Some things awaken deep inside
It’s like I’m frozen still in time
And in my head, it’s like I’m in a cage
I hide behind the devil’s eyes
I lost my faith a thousand times
And in my head, it’s like I’m in a cage

I’m a fucking psycho
I’m feeling out of my mind
I’m a fucking psycho
I’m a fucking psycho

I’m feeling out of my mind
Oh God, I feel so alive

I’m feeling out of my mind
Oh God, I feel so alive

I’m feeling out of my mind
Oh God, I feel so alive
Oh no, I’m not gonna die

Some things awaken deep inside
It’s like I’m frozen still in time
And in my head, it’s like I’m in a cage
I hide behind the devil’s eyes
I lost my faith a thousand times
And in my head, it’s like I’m in a cage

I’m feeling out of my mind
Oh God, I feel so alive
Oh no, I’m not gonna die
‘Cause I’m a psycho
A messiah to life
I’m feeling out of my mind
I’m going crazy
‘Cause I’m a fucking psycho
I’m a fucking psychoAsking Alexandria – Psycho – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

O número 1

Preferência musical
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